Javanese Ixora

Javanese Ixora
Balinese name: Soka
Indonesian name: Soka, Kembang Asoka, Asoka, Angsoka
Latin name: Ixora javanica
Family: Rubiaceae

A Javanese Ixora is a common garden plant in Bali, and its flowers are often used in offerings. There are many in hotel gardens because they bloom all year. The Indian origin of the plant is indicated by its Indonesian and Balinese names, which make reference to Asoka, the first king of India to embrace Buddhism.

A medium to tall shrub that bears large, almost hemispherical clusters of flowers at the ends of its branches.

Each clusters may have has many s 60 flowers. These are usually a uniform red or orange-red although there is a so-called white variety which is actually a very pale yellow. The individual flower is small and has four spear-shaped petals, each about 1.4 cm long. These petals lie flat and are attached to a tube about 3 cm long and only 1 mm across. The buds look like match-sticks.

Oval, about 9 by 4 cm; older leaves may be quite a bit larger. They are medium to light green and somewhat glossy.


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